

While we're all proud of our city, I believe that we can make it better and stronger for the future.

Housing is one of my top concerns. We face a housing shortage in Oshkosh, and we need more workforce housing if we're going to compete as a city that people want to settle in.

Part of solving the housing issue is for city government to do a broader economic development checkup to see what we’re doing well and where we can improve as a community in terms of housing, jobs, and infrastructure so we can set the table for a brighter future. 

I'm also a believer in responsible budgeting, and we should be working to reduce our long term debt load while still ensuring that services are well funded.

We also need to continue with the revitalization of our downtown so we can keep attracting visitors from all over to spend time in Oshkosh!

Keeping it local

Our people are our most valuable asset and greatest strength. If we want Oshkosh to be the place to live, work, and raise a family, we need our city to be affordable and attractive to all.

I'm also a big believer in public-private partnerships. On the county board, I’ve helped cultivate and strengthen these partnerships in our community so local government and nonprofits can work on the same mission together to help solve pressing local issues. On city council, I’ll continue to be a voice for collaboration between city government and our local nonprofits. 

Active Listening

A huge part of local government is communication. Our city council cannot make informed decisions and be a good steward of your tax dollars without your input. Open lines of communication are critical to me, and as your city councilman, I will establish those so I can hear about the issues impacting you. Local government is for everyone, and I’m running to ensure it stays that way for tomorrow.
