
Hello, Oshkosh! My name is Jacob Floam, and I'm running for Oshkosh City Council to represent YOU! I'm currently serving as your Winnebago County Supervisor for District 16, and I want to bring my experience and passion for public service to the Oshkosh City Council to help our community grow and thrive. 

I believe that the Oshkosh City Council needs leaders who champion opportunity, transparency, servant leadership, and have a vision for the future of this community. We also need common sense solutions to the issues we're facing as a city. I've brought this approach to the Winnebago County Board, and I plan to bring it to our city council as well.

While not originally from Oshkosh, I'm incredibly proud to call this city home. I moved here for family, immediately fell in love with Oshkosh, and got involved in the community. Before moving here, I received my BA in International Political Economy from Fordham University. I also am currently working on my Masters in Public Administration from UW Oshkosh where I'm studying local governance! Additionally, I'm an avid runner, reader, and volunteer.

I would be honored to have your vote on April 2nd, 2024. If elected to the Oshkosh City Council, we will work together to make sure our town is the best place to live, work, and raise a family in the Fox Valley and Wisconsin! 

COmmunity Involvement

Being involved in your community is something that I strongly believe in. Volunteerism is a part of who I am, and I enjoying paying it forward with the following organizations.